Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

BlackSun @ Hellectro 2


Submitted by: Motorhead @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:01:32

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Real Hellectro  ;)

Rated by: Peukowsky

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1. S1ngular - Engage
2. Geck-e - Unison
3. Geck-e - Tiёsto Twist
4. Geck-e - She Likes It
5. ACTI - Peralux
6. Alex Kidd - Kidd's Ho
7. Geck-e - Gimme A Beat
8. Acti - Waykee (Reloaded Club Mix)
9. Scot Project & A*S*Y*S - Loco (A*S*Y*S's Black Mix)
10. ACTI - Peacock
11. ACTI & Stana - Creeple
12. Acti & Antolini - Belther (Orbital Edit)
13. A*S*Y*S - Trommelmaul (Acti's Subground Remix)
14. Subkilla - Urban slayer
15. ACTI - Vicker
16. Geck-e - Hit Me With Those Laser Beams
17. Cyberpunkers VS. The Squatters - Fuck The Zippyshare System (Acti's Subground Mash Up)