Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Nielos & SnoeperTrooper @ Gabber.FM Phrenetikal Frequency 52


Submitted by: Nielos @
Last edited by: HardT3K-Tic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:01:36

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Rated by: Nielos Maximumraver snoepertrooper riksels AEON Bone82 mindspitter HardT3K-Tic MindestructionOfficial Mikus BJK loganaxo HakkeTakke

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1. Osmik - Clik Clak
2. DK Brothers - Electric Bitch
3. Ktodik ft. Tekosmik - Mountain Break (Original Mix)
4. Hungry Beats - Demolition Man is Dead
5. zellkern - i kissed a girl
6. Maisouille - Multipode
7. Le Clown Evil - Syndrom Symphonic
8. Hungry Beats - Black Labirinth
9. Taz - Gameworld
10. Billx - Hypertoupie
11. Le Clown Evil - Welcome
12. DK Brothers - Take My Teklicit
13. Strez - Four
14. Roms - Juvet Mean
15. Strez - Et Si Dieu Etait Mecontent
16. Zone 33 - Strange Days
17. Riko - Rikaderl
18. Roms - Chili Pepper Kiss
19. Billx - Scarring Dub
20. C0réam-C0réam - Child's
21. Strez - Ephedrine (Original Mix)