Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

D-Ohmicyd @ Toxic Sickness Radio


Submitted by: JeffreyFCT @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 01:00:29
Rated by: chalmers Angry_eye TomasG HardT3K-Tic Hcgedoe originalgabber Holland93 Sarge Hansolo
Favorited by: Hansolo

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1. F. Noize vs. Recallize - Step In To The Dark
2. ID (Wasted Mind - ID)
3. Stormtrooper - Beautiful Music
4. DJ Paul Elstak & Radiate - Dropping It
5. Unexist - Power Of Underground
6. Darkcontroller - Copkiller (Destructive Tendencies Remix)
7. Drokz & Partyraiser - Who's The Hardest
8. Darkcontroller vs. Hellter Skellter - Take This
9. Neophyte, Tieum & Rob Gee - Coming At You Strong (D-Ohmicyd Remix)
10. D-Ohmicyd & Wars Industry - A.C.A.B
11. F. Noize vs. Vextor - The Fuck Song
12. ID (ID)
13. The Outside Agency - Backpack Wisdom
14. SRB - Police Academy
15. ID (ID)
16. ID (SRB - ID)
17. Noisekick - Hij Loopt Rondjes