Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Ben Harder @ Ben Harder Show 275

Industrial Hardcore   Hardcore

Submitted by: Hansolo @

Length: 03:04:29

More info
Ben Harder Show 2.0. The weekly hardcore show by Ben Harder, The Relic, Speakerdeamon, Ebru, Niels and Warchetype. Broadcast every Tuesday from 8PM - 12AM (CET) at Q-dance Radio.

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  Hour 1
1. Kush - The Machines
2. Mindustries - Juggernaut
3. Embrionyc - Not Quite Forgotten
4. Terrorfakt - Punishment
5. Cubic Nomad & Fracture 4 - Fading
6. The Man Unknown - F431
7. Biomek - Realm Of Existence
8. Embrionyc - Sommer 2013
9. Cubic Nomad - Clouds
10. Desolation - Learn To Obey
11. The Outside Agency - Godspeed
  Hour 2
12. Neophyte & The Viper - I am Phoenix
13. Mindustries - Flash Flood
14. Sound Abuse - Tree Huggers
15. Desolation - Black Buddha
16. Warchetype & Syndemic - Unilluminated
17. Chimera - Death Dealer
18. Embrionyc - It's Over, She Said
19. Mindustries - Resistance
20. The Peoples Republic Of Europe - Brute Force
21. Fiend & Deathmachine - Reflections
22. DJ Nosferatu - NZMDFC 1
23. N-Vitral & Rude Awakening - Brainbomb
24. Furyan - Teknology
  Hour 3
25. Ruffneck & Synapse - Declaration Of Resistance
26. Sam.C - Break Down the Core
27. Emoshin & YMB - Blood Red
28. Amnesys - The Purest (YMB Remix)
29. Suvjet - Drowning In Sorrows
30. DJ Hidden - Seance II
31. Suvjet - Home Coming
32. YMB - Kream
33. Nosferatu - The Wolves Of Creation (The Outside Agency Remix)
34. Sei2ure - Hooligan Etiquette
35. Sei2ure - Singularity
36. Dyprax - Dead Presidents
37. DJ Mad Dog & Anime - Hardcore Machine