Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Viciouz @ SRB Tribute All Hail SRB!


Submitted by: nicohc @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:54:10

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Some Potato-Smashin SRB Sounds for you!
Enjoy my Tribute Set to the King of Terror: SRB.

Its made of my favorite Tracks from the Dutchcore Album.

It starts at 225 BPM and goes up to 292 BPM - no pussy shit!

Like I announced a week ago @ FB you now can download this SRB Tribute Set  :)

My Facebook Page:
SRB Facebook Page:

Rated by: nicohc Core-Reaner frenchcore_Sven Orbitz bumwipe Monkey55 DKrOBin Weerzinwekkend dosonominik killergnu Wirzz Ramon543 HardT3K-Tic DerHanibal terrorrob Sarge philphil SimonD84 dixishopper jonasluhn CynthiPataya m1ndk1ll3r Sytoxx hajhaj NixHardTerror dose_1337 hardcorerepublic krassekrabbe1981 Franzi Krettler Krettler ludolf MINIK_FRENCHTEMPO View all ratings
Favorited by: CynthiPataya NixHardTerror MINIK_FRENCHTEMPO

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1. SRB - Dutchcore
2. DJ Plague - Terrorists Never Miss (SRB Remix)
3. SRB - Insanity
4. SRB vs. Rotterdam Terror Corps - Dirty Bastards
5. SRB - Terror Time
6. SRB Vs. Distortion - No Aces
7. SRB - Cheater Booster
8. SRB - Can't stop the spirits (DJ Smurf Remix)
9. SRB - Dope Booster
10. SRB Vs. Stinger - Turn Up The Booster
11. SRB & Rob Gee - Error In Terror
12. SRB - Wee Are Smooth Piggy (Mash-Up)
13. SRB - I Don't Care
14. SRB - It's Terror After All
15. SRB - Solid Cervezas
16. SRB - Hammer Time
17. SRB - Don't Worry Be Terror
18. SRB - Foetus Booster
19. SRB - Ignite
20. SRB - Holy Shit

HardT3K-Tic [Set Editor] -
This can't be  :W
nicohc -
I told my fans to vote here for my set. Isn't that allowed?