Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Pawel @ Podcast Episode#74 - Compiled by Tunehunterz


Submitted by: ROoZi @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:59:30

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Rated by: ROoZi

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1. Stereotuners - Alien Lifeform
2. Digital Punk & Nitrouz - Shadows Of The Day
3. B-Front - Inner Creativity
4. Desnar ft. MC Alee - Intruder
5. Regain & Sound Intenserz - The Resistance
6. Hard Driver - The Red Kill
7. The Vision - Honor 2 Serve
8. Inner Heat - The Firstborn
9. Ran-D & Digital Punk - Born To Die
10. Regain - Still alive
11. E-Force & X-Pander - Liberty
12. Caine - Requital
13. Digital Punk & Crypsis - Radiant
14. Hard Driver - Exploration (Hard Bass 2014 Anthem)
15. Goliath - Rockaby
16. Kodex - Soul eater
17. Coarsection - Monster
18. Titan - Hooked
19. Radical Redemption & High Voltage - Blame Society