Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

John Cove @ Moonquake


Submitted by: John-Cove @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:11:00

More info

MOONQUAKE is all about the Hardstyle bangers which destroyed the clubs & festivals over the past few weeks!

Enjoy this new mix with tracks from Noisecontrollers, Wildstylez, B-Front & many more.

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1. Code Black - Pandora
2. Wildstylez ft. Cimo Frankel - Back To History
3. Rebourne - Horizon
4. Omegatypez - New Moon
5. Audiotricz - Infinite
6. Wildstylez - Straightforward
7. Benny Benassi - Back To The Pump (Technoboy Remix)
8. The Pitcher - Back To Basics
9. Hard Driver - Exploration
10. Concept Art - Knock Down
11. Phrantic - Got 2 Love Me
12. Gunz For Hire - Swagger
13. Alpha² & E-Force - The Boogeyman
14. Donkey Rollers - The Fusion Of Sound
15. Noisecontrollers - What?!
16. Frontliner ft. Nikkita - Death Of A Demon (B-Front Remix)
17. Hard Driver - The Red Kill
18. The Vision & X-Pander - Maximum Power

John-Cove -
Edited by John-Cove on 14-02-2014 18:15