Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

E-force @ Members Of Hardstyle


Submitted by: JeffreyFCT @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 00:55:59
Rated by: AlvaroM P4RTYLOV3R Boomrups chicomaster Jeffaaa Arjan1977 Jeroen- Eddix real7a j0rrit Blackbox DonC TheAppetjoek GaryOwens nYron2k5 MadMouza DaybreakerDJ kwaibegai DJAnd1 gero
Favorited by: Arjan1977 real7a TheAppetjoek dhrrob

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1. Ran-D & Digital Punk - Born To Die
2. Frequencerz & E-Force - Attention
3. Adaro - Hit You With That Bang Shit (Outbreak Remix)
4. Hard Driver - Exploration (Hard Bass 2014 Anthem)
5. Chain Reaction - Answers (Adaro Remix)
6. D-Block & S-te-Fan ft. High Voltage - Shiverz
7. Frequencerz & B-Front - Fatality
8. E-Force - Freakz at Night
9. Kevin Kaos & Zero Sanity - Hit The Floor (E-Force Remix)
10. Max Enforcer ft. The Rush - Fade To BLACK (BLACK 2010 Anthem)
11. The Machine - Rollin'
12. Activator - Sparta
13. Crypsis & Luna - Torture
14. E-Force & Adaro ft MC Nolz - Open The Gates
15. Ran-D & Digital Punk - Rebel To The Grave
16. Wild Motherfuckers - Natural Born Raver
17. The R3bels - Pattern 2
18. E-Force & Luna - Masterclass (HC Edit)

Eddix -
E-force is such a hero, really underrated in my opinion  xD
TheAppetjoek -
I can relate to that  ;)
DaybreakerDJ -
He really is underrated!!!! Why the hell is that?

Kevin Kaos & Zero Sanity - Hit The Floor (E-Force Remix) - Already has my vote for track of the year!  :6:
TheAppetjoek -
On 18-02-2014 06:56:12, DaybreakerDJ wrote:

He really is underrated!!!! Why the hell is that?

Kevin Kaos & Zero Sanity - Hit The Floor (E-Force Remix) - Already has my vote for track of the year!  :6:

You know it dude!