Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Partyraiser vs. Destructive Tendencies @ Beter Kom Je Niet vs. Partyraiser 4


Submitted by: JeffreyFCT @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 00:58:20
Rated by: TwistedDarkside steinHC iimar HardT3K-Tic DeBosch Nvidia JeffreyFCT MoDi HARDCOREnewsNL dark-lite Tunnelgaenger Jeroen- Sarge boytje1992 YVES1908 chalmers Pyd D-Future gero Bartdewit
Favorited by: Hansolo steinHC Olli88OB

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1. Paul Elstak & Partyraiser - Back From The Dead
2. Destructive Tendencies - This Is Your Moment (First Version)
3. Angerfist - The Fast Lane (Rayden & Hellsystem Remix)
4. Rayden - Now U're Fucked
5. DJ Mad Dog - Agony (Destructive Tendencies Remix)
6. Destructive Tendencies - Fucking Up The Mainstream
7. Legion Of The Lost - Bass Boom
8. Biorekk - Get Up On This (1)
9. Destructive Tendencies vs. Chrono - Fever Pitch
10. Revolter - Break Bones
11. The Geminizers - Out of Control (Destructive Tendencies Remix)
12. DJ Mad Dog ft. Unexist - Disproving God (Destructive Tendencies Remix) (1)
13. Partyraiser & Darkcontroller - Our Power (Hardbouncer Remix)
14. Rotterdam Terror Corps & Paul Elstak - Skull Dominion (Destructive Tendencies Remix)
15. Darkcontroller - Copkiller (Destructive Tendencies Remix)
16. Drokz & Partyraiser - Hardcore, Bitches, 40's & Blunts

Nickwouters -
4.Rayden - now ure fucked  :)
Olla -
07. Legion Of The Lost - Bass Boom
dark-lite -
^^ 7 is NOT Legion Of The Lost - Bass Boom. Mick, Destructive Tendencies. But sorry its TBC at moment until release.
Olla -
On 12-02-2014 23:40:15, dark-lite wrote:

^^ 7 is NOT Legion Of The Lost - Bass Boom. Mick, Destructive Tendencies. But sorry its TBC at moment until release.

Don't talk shit.....
dark-lite -
Ahhh sorry my mistake. When I wrote that I wasn't actually listening to the mix. I was just remembering another track wez played thinking it's that you were ID'ing

All good.
Edited by dark-lite on 13-02-2014 19:36
Olla -
On 13-02-2014 19:18:09, dark-lite wrote:

Ahhh sorry my mistake. When I wrote that I wasn't actually listening to the mix. I was just remembering another track wez played thinking it's that you were ID'ing

All good.

walbier -
track 10 _0_ dayum dat kick
Olla -
08. Biorekk - Get Upon This
Bartdewit -
10. Revolter - Break Bones