Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Symbolic Death @ Evidences & Improbabilitys

Darkcore   Acid

Submitted by: PatrickG88 @
Last edited by: PatrickG88 @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 02:12:57

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Rated by: begotten darklime.carnage
Favorited by: darklime.carnage

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1. Minimum Syndicat - Phantasm
2. Starving Insect - Nurturing The Cancer
3. ▲NGST - Ungodly
4. Fracture 4 - Mortal Message
5. Fifth Era - Lockdown In Inner Space (Tonal Verges Remix)
6. Hypnotizer - The Light Is Leaving
7. Lord Sinister ft. Kramerr - The Path Of Exile
8. Fifth Era - Windsor Blues (Utamoh Thumo Remix)
9. Fifth Era - Gundabherundanarasimha
10. Omnicide - Permanent Solution
11. AnTraxid - Structural Perfection
12. Tonal Verges - Fucking / Redemption
13. This Mortal Core - Kill Her (Darkside Edit)
14. Low Entropy - Acid Track
15. Dark Frequencer - We Lose Humanity
16. Fausten - Evisceration (Ontal Remix)
17. Lord Sinister - Seeds of Heresy
18. The Peoples Republic Of Europe - Tech Tree
19. Deathmachine - Our Introduction (To Technology)
20. 14Anger - Honeymoon In Hell (Shaman Urbain Remix)
21. Sven Schaller - Rise Of The Machines
22. Adam X - Sensory Overload
23. Fifth Era - Windsor Blues
24. Raum 107 - We're Dying...Quietly (Fuck Hope)
25. Under Konstruktion - Journey Back (Under Konstruktion Remix)
26. Low Entropy - Doomcore 9 (AnTraxid Remix)
27. N.lier - Solivagant
28. Malefic - Doomed (Dmx Krew Mix)
29. Minimum Syndicat - Acid Trojan Part I
30. Fifth Era - Raw From Charlie III
31. Al Ferox - Darklight
32. Unit 731 - Inside The Continuum
33. Syndroom - Lastering
34. Low Entropy - Rave 4
35. Fracture 4 - Departure
36. ▲NGST - ▲NGST VIII (Soulkeeper Remix)
37. Mindustries - Definder
38. Chaosbringer - End Of Days
39. Dr Macabre - Kiss My Entire Ass
40. The Outside Agency - Motherfucking Ants (Parts 1 & 2)
41. Synaptic Memories - Lugosi The Machinist
42. Rave Creator & The Mover - Atmos-Fear
43. Desolation - End Of Humanity
44. Jensen - She
45. DJ Scale Ripper - Acid Storm
46. The Relic - Anti Particle
47. Legion - Panic
48. Taciturne - Mourning
49. Collision - The Takeover
50. Enzyme X - Illuminati
51. John Faustus - Binaural Lotus
52. Unknown - Untitled
53. AnTraxid - The Abyss
54. Symbolic Death - Memories
55. Lord Sinister - Acid Madness
56. EBE Company - Inferno
57. Symbolic Death - Distance