Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Marquis Hawkes @ Electronic Explorations 300


Submitted by: PatrickG88 @
Last edited by: PatrickG88 @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 00:58:25

More info
“With this set I wanted to explore my dark side, but whilst maintaining a degree of funk to the proceedings. It’s a selection of sometimes challenging music, both from the point of view of the listener, and also for me myself to actually mix together as a DJ. I’ve been a fan of quality techno music for nearly 2 decades, I hope you enjoy my selection of what I consider to be some of the best tracks out there, both old and new”


Rated by: Thermus

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1. DJ Harlow - Waxwork (Chord Mix)
2. MGUN - Extort
3. Rod - Anindica
4. Mary Velo - Detune
5. Marcos Cabral - Solid Nature
6. CTRLS - Displacer (Sleeparchive Version 1)
7. Developer - Alone
8. Vinny Vincent & Harry Hash - The Siren
9. J. Tijn - ILGD
10. Jamie Bissmire - Ergonomix Part 2, Lock Groove A2
11. Static Pressure - Steric I
12. Cristian Vogel - Survive The Peace
13. Jamie Bissmire - Ergonomix Part 2, Lock Groove A10
14. Velocette - Repeating Gestures
15. Sigha - My Blood Is Gold
16. Blackman - The Collective