Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Rebourne @ Heart for Hardstyle 94


Submitted by: Maximumraver @

Length: 01:00:16

More info
This Monday we invited Fusion artist: Rebourne to do a guestmix in the 94th episode of Heart for Hardstyle! Listen to his full mix he played at Next week Phrantic! 8PM(CET)! Don't miss it!


Rated by: Maximumraver Mogyi tureq Morricone Gabox Freakersz

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1. Rebourne - Trigger
2. Omegatypez - New Moon
3. Krewella - Alive (Rebourne Remix)
4. Noisecontrollers & Alpha² - Craving For The Beat
5. Rebourne - Leaving
6. The R3belz - Earth
7. Juized & Rebourne - Sanctuary
8. Fragma & Coco Star - Toca's Miracle (Bioweapon Remix)
9. Rebourne - Horizon
10. Botnek - Through The Night (Snails Remix)
11. Rebourne & Omegatypez - Melodic Madness
12. Audiofreq - Time Machine
13. Noisecontrollers & Wildstylez - A Different Story
14. Wasted Penguinz & Rebourne - Sorrow
15. Wildstylez & Atmozfears - What It's Like
16. Toneshifterz - All On Me
17. Rebourne - Divider