Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

SnoeperTrooper @ Gabber.FM Phrenetikal Frequency Podcast 43


Submitted by: snoepertrooper @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:02:00
Rated by: AEON riksels MindestructionOfficial Tunnelgaenger mindspitter NightMarNL Nielos

View as plain text


1. Knutek vs Massaker - Kill a Celebrity
2. Pattern J - Vital Hate
3. Cemtex - Hardcore Junkie
4. Pattern J - Hysterik Drums
5. Unscarred - A Confused Love Story
6. Adrenokrome - Crazy Tune
7. Adrenokrome - Electro Bitch
8. DualCore - This is Our Time
9. Koney - Tuned to A Dead Channel
10. Grigio - Delirium
11. DJ Twilight & Hodemar - Drop The Oldschool
12. Pirate Mind - Hardcore Is Not A Crime
13. D-Tox - Nothing Survives
14. Dam vs Exode - Action Reaction
15. Prototype Hardcore - Deathmatch (Original Mix)
16. Komprex vs. D-Tox - Rave Against The Machine
17. Exode - Coton Tige
18. Pirate Mind - Rave Frenchcore
19. Prototype Hardcore - Hardsound Warriors
20. Cardiak - Tiranosor Du Rex In Tranzitor
21. Dam - La rage du peuple
22. Pirate Mind - Time 2 Kill
23. AudioManiacs - Heartattack
24. AudioManiacs - Sickphony
25. The Desastamasta - Studio Audience
26. AudioManiacs - Scars
27. The DesastaMasta - Peaceful City