Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Steve Murphy & Franky Jones @ Mega Dance Party Mix


Submitted by: Tweak1976 @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 00:29:12
Rated by: hardcorerepublic

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1. Digital Boy - Tilt 21
2. LDV - Climb The Wall
3. Robert Armani - Watch It (P.O.W.W.O.W. Remix)
4. Cajmere - The Percolator (Coffee Pot)
5. U.N.A. - Emotion
6. Two Pieces - Magic Bells (Final Mix)
7. SNAP! - Rhythm Is A Dancer
8. Jambo - Drumattack
9. OXY - The Feeling
10. Insider - True
11. Phantom - The Abyss (The Sub Battle Mix)
12. Plexus - Cactus Rhythm
13. Armando - 100% Of Disin' You
14. Strong Heads - Frequency Test
15. T-Bone Castro - Urban Partyzan
16. T-Bone Castro - The Women Here (Are All So Cute)
17. The Tellurians - The Navigator
18. Speedy J - Something For Your Mind
19. Ramirez - El Ritmo Barbaro
20. Tune Request - Motherfucker
21. M.A.S.E.R. - F.U.C.K.
22. Illicit Experiment - Move Your Feet
23. Two Thumbs - Party I
24. Atomic Brain - Atomic Brain
25. Casseopaya - Basic Theme
26. Intellect - Throw Your Hands Up
27. Traikos Trax - Gimme A Mother ....Kin'
28. Plexus - Auto Shutter
29. DLM - We Believe
30. Digital Boy - This Is Mutha F**ker!
31. Sykedelic - Big Dick
32. Dyewitness - Observing The Earth
33. 2 Fabiola - The Milkyway
34. Master Techno - My Noise
35. Total Groove - Reanimator
36. Messiah - There Is No Law
37. Neon - Toxic Generation
38. Public Energy - Three O' Three
39. Edge Of Motion - Set Up 707
40. Supertronic Co. - A-Ritmix
41. Rotterdam Termination Source - Poing
42. Insider - Destiny
43. Test - Overdub
44. Precious X Project - Freaks
45. 2 In Progress - We Control
46. Manic Motion - Technologies
47. MKM - Little Stars
48. Precious X Project - Dukkha