Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Brilliant @ Trilogy


Submitted by: AB_ricky @

Rated by: Opperhoofd AB_ricky donkeyass A-BASS Frenkle hdhessel
Favorited by: gertus

AB_ricky -
2 of my friends !!

BRILLIANT AND MC DASH !!!  :worship:
any tracklist available?
Opperhoofd -
On 22-01-2008 15:20:47, JDR wrote:

any tracklist available?

On 21-01-2008 19:27:45, JDR wrote:

waarom heb ik in het engels gereageerd, kan me niet eens herinneren, apart  =]

gertus -
 :thumbsup:  :thumbsup2:
scat -
fake, i've never seen "dj brillant" @ shock, the 18th of january.. fix the name of the event  >.<
AB_ricky -
look @ partyflock and than Dj brilliant !! not fake !!