Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

D-Stroy @ B-Asic T-Raining - I Live On Neverending Art


Submitted by: D-Stroy @

Length: 01:37:30
Favorited by: Robvanberlo

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1. Martin Garrix - Animals (Isaac Remix vs D-Stroy Mashup)
2. DVBBS & Borgeous - Tsunami (LNY TNZ Remix)
3. Fresh vs Diplo - Earthquake (LNY TNZ & Yellow Claw Remix)
4. Brennan Heart & Jonathan Mendelsohn - Imaginary
5. Wasted Penguinz - Wistfulness
6. Headhunterz ft. Tatu - Colors
7. Max Enforcer - Lost In Paradise
8. Wildstylez ft. Cimo Frankel - Lights Go Out
9. The Pitcher & Slim Shore ft. Sam LeMay - Forever Young
10. Bass Modulators & Audiotricz - Feel Good
11. Slim Shore & Focuz ft. DV8 Rocks! - Broken Dreams
12. Psyko Punkz - Love This Life
13. Shockerz - Total Domination
14. Coone ft.Kritikal - Zombie Killer
15. Code Black - R.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N (Official Hardbass 2013 Blue Theme)
16. Chain Reaction - The Record Breaking
17. Gunz For Hire ft. Ellie - Sorrow
18. E-Force - Freakz at Night
19. Frequencerz - Rockstar
20. Digital Punk & Frequencerz ft. MC Nolz - We Don't Give A F*ck
21. Wild Motherfuckers - Natural Born Raver
22. Ran-D & B-Front - The Message
23. Ran-D & Digital Punk - Rebel To The Grave
24. Radical Redemption & Tartaros - One By One
25. Activator - Sparta (Original Mix)
26. Atmozfears - Up Top
27. Gunz For Hire ft. Ruffian - Immortal (Qlimax 2013 Anthem)
28. Frequencerz & In-Phase - Fight for Survival (Hard Driver Remix)
29. Ran-D & Digital Punk - Born To Die

D-Stroy -
"You can rest when I'm done"
Edited by D-Stroy on 28-12-2013 15:06