Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Collector @ Its Fucking Christmas Time


Submitted by: Collector @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Length: 01:00:16

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1. Sprinky - All I Want For X-Mass Is Frenchcore (2013 Re-Edit)
2. Unscarred - Breakers in Town
3. Unscarred - More Scratch
4. Paranoid - Assassins (Mindestruction Remix)
5. The Mastery - Revenge of myself Anthem (Frenchcore s'il vous plait #5)
6. X-Mind - Lain Theme
7. Backlash & Hodemar - Pull Up
8. Hyrule War - Listen To My Shit
9. Dr. Peacock & Hyrule War - Imagination
10. Ohmboy & Hyrule War - Are you bitches
11. Hyrule War - Turn Around (Make Those Move)
12. Hungry Beats - Fuck Haters
13. Audiokillers - Overload
14. Hyrule War & Mr. Ivex - Lock N Load
15. Dr. Peacock - Fa-Lium
16. Bit Reactors - Let It Die
17. Adrenokrome vs The Sawerz - Scary day
18. Brutal Jesters & AlienAlpha ft. Kraken - Tales Of Sin
19. Brutal Jesters - Last Chance To Lose Control (Dr. Peacock Remix)
20. Dr. Peacock - Trip to India
21. Audiokillers - Audiokilla
22. X-Mind - Mescaline (Bit Reactors Remix)