Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Zytonoize @ In The Mix

Industrial Hardcore   Industrial

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 02:00:00

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Mr ZyToNoiZe live

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1. Typhoid - Di Nuovo Buio
2. Störsender - MRT
3. The Peoples Republic Of Europe - Singularity
4. Mono-Amine - Lecture Me, Override Me
5. Doomer - Weltenzerstörer
6. Terrorfakt - Fuel
7. Pow[d]er Pussy - Terrorkatze
8. Stoerfaktor - Human Decision
9. Converter - Coma (Tik Remix)
10. Assesino - Fuck You All
11. Zyriak - Terror & Hate (Power Remix)
12. Synascape - Folded Sheets Of Silver
13. Synchromode - Contamination
14. T_error 404 - Killdozer
15. Club_re:noize - Welcome To Club_re:noize Intro Jingle
16. Winterkälte - Yes2Wind
17. Stainless.4571 - Prepare To Die
18. Monokrom - Return Of The Mummies Of Noise
19. Organic Cage - Immunenutrition
20. Braindisturbed - Hunger
21. Catastrophe (Noise) - Broken Machine
22. Worms Of The Earth - Traversing The Serpentine Abyss
23. Störsender - Nummer im System
24. Unter Null - Popcorn (Cover)
25. Stahlschlag - Moksha
26. Dirty K - Power Freak
27. Diezel Xzaust - Gimme Noize
28. Organic Cage - Noisebleed