Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Hyperactive @ Rawtivity #1


Submitted by: DJ_Hyperactive @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:01:29
Rated by: DJ_Hyperactive

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1. Gunz for Hire - Gangsters Don't Dance (A2 & NC Remix) (Hyperactive Edit)
2. Zatox - Irreplaceable
3. Frequencerz & In-Phase - Fight for Survival (Hard Driver Remix)
4. Frontliner - Just a Track
5. Adaro - History
6. Atmozfears ft. Energyzed - Leap In The Dark
7. Toneshifterz - R.A.W. Power
8. Wild Motherfuckers - Ruby Rain
9. Outbreak - Survival
10. B-Front - Undiscovered (Official Hard Bass 2013 Team Green Theme)
11. Radical Redemption - Accumulated Filth
12. Digital Punk & Frequencerz ft. MC Nolz - We Don't Give A F*ck
13. Acti & Jajox - Satana (Loudness Edit)
14. Frequencerz & E-Force - Attention
15. Adaro ft. Danny Scandal - For The Street
16. Outbreak ft. DV8 - Get the Mean
17. Frequencerz - Rockstar
18. Radical Redemption & Frequencerz - Insanity
19. Atmozfears - Up Top