Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
Somebody requested a new download link

Hard Driver @ Nocturnal - The Dark Rituals


Submitted by: the_convicted @
Last edited by: the_convicted @

Length: 00:56:40

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Rated by: P4RTYLOV3R

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1. Hard Driver - Came To This
2. Martin Garrix - Animals (Isaac Remix)
3. Brennan Heart - Hardbass Junkie
4. D-Block & S-te-Fan & Audiofreq - Drumz!
5. Hard Driver - Rock Your Body
6. Noisecontrollers - Break The Show
7. Zatox & Villain - Action
8. The Prophet - H3Y!
9. Code Black - Pandora
10. Coone - Unite (Hard Driver Remix)
11. Hard Driver ft. MC DL - The Hunter
12. Ran-D - The Twilight Zone (Q-Base 2013 Anthem)
13. Hard Driver - Under Attack (Hard Edit)
14. Coone ft. Kritikal - Zombie Killer
15. Frequencerz & In-Phase - Fight For Surival (Hard Driver Remix)
16. Noisecontrollers & Alpha² - Moonraker

Opperhoofd -
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Zippyshare re-up please.