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Dione @ Masters of Hardcore 2009 Design The Future


Submitted by: Paultjeplant @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Length: 00:48:07

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Dione @ The Lab @ Masters Design The Future

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Rated by: djblacksun [deleted user] MattiX Sep N3Gruj Sj. djmarsie kwaibegai Legolas Morango Nois3controll3r donkeyrollers m4a1 sHizo Mrunterwijst helleendje VanFlip waz3 wschL Holephet terrormark nICo Heet giessuh Krank-Im-Kopf gero K-Cin Jro_ Bierman Canyonree Star Tunnelgaenger Ravechief kissofdeath M0neySh0t Hardstylist 0xyG3N Sebas Teuntjes Jeroeenn [deleted user] Damustrial greg4850 [deleted user] Robintjuh hardstyl3MF The_Sociopath -michaelhughes View all ratings
Favorited by: kwaibegai terrormark Morango Heet Ravechief kissofdeath Hansolo

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1. Dione - Pain Till I Die
2. Dione - Still Here Kicking Ass
3. Dione - Really Insane
4. Dione - F The World
5. Dione - The Way Is Shut
6. Paul Elstak - Offensive Thrillah
7. Re-Style - Sacrifice (Dr. Z-Vago Remix)
8. Hellsystem - Mad Pimp
9. Dione - Hardcore Is Beautiful
10. Dione - It Is Upon Us
11. D-Passion - Infection
12. Dione - Bad Day
13. The Genesis Projection - World Grid
14. Dione - Door 2 Dreams
15. Dione - World War Three
16. Dione - Fucking Sacrilege (SRB Remix)
17. SRB - Not So Smooth

Ravechief -
yeahhhhhhhh  :yay:  :yay:
great bloody set!!!!!!!
 :bomb:  :bomb:
Bradda -
Great set  :w00t:
helaas maar een klein stukje van dione gezien
daarna weer naar early gegaan  8-)
draaide in de Hardcore 2 zaal toch?
het setje voor dione van tomcat en rudeboy wel helemaal gezien
en die was echt beuken  :w00t: hopelijk komt die nog online
andre -
Hell Yeah!!!!  :yay:
tevion22 -
For them you are just a freak ..
This is good quality !
I love dione
Enzyme -
More Than Decade Past
link down
helleye -
∞ infinity of possibilit
still down  :thumbsdown:
Cindywheii -
-michaelhughes [Set Editor] -