Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Luna & The Strangerz @ Minus Is More


Submitted by: GaHard @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Length: 01:01:04
Rated by: GaHard real7a P4RTYLOV3R Vioda Milhouse18 brutilhose Scooby-Doo Ski kollie leetrash Mogyi
Favorited by: real7a Scooby-Doo

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1. Kold Konexion - My Case
2. Audiofreq ft. High Voltage - Russian Sleep Experiment
3. Tatarola - Insane (Kronos Remix)
4. Hardcraft - The Battle
5. The Beast Project - New Beginning
6. Hard Driver - The Cold Angel (Frequencerz Remix)
7. B-Front & Re-Volt - W.A.R.
  The Strangerz in the mix:
8. B-Front & Frequencerz - Delusion
9. Sasha F & The Strangerz ft. Tawar - Suffocate
10. Digital Punk & Chris One - The Virus Spreads (Chris One Remix)
11. Exit Mind - Lost
12. Outbreak ft. MC DV8 - Get The Mean
13. Alpha² - Kick Back (E-Force Remix)
14. Ballistic & Zero Vision - Upgrade The Noize (Solutio & The I's Remix)
15. The Strangerz - D.O.A.
16. Warface & Sasha F - Bring It To The RAW

Thermus -
'Laatste 100 stemmen'-regenboog.
"October 2013" bij de titel?  ;)
GaHard -
done maestro..
brutilhose -
Scooby-Doo -
SQooby-Doo & Stampertje
On 29-10-2013 18:14:58, brutilhose wrote:
