Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Artic @ Thrillogy 2013

Early Hardstyle   Hardstyle

Submitted by: Morango @
Last edited by: Morango @

Length: 01:04:42
Rated by: Morango P4RTYLOV3R chicomaster Meggido Hansolo RvdB14 West robgommans Antek h4rdstyl3r Rickik AkiraDark95

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1. A*S*Y*S - Acid Nightmare (1)
2. Warmduscher - Auf die Fresse!
3. Geal - Losing My Feelin'
4. Showtek - Controller (DJ Duro Remix)
5. Blutonium Boy - Make It Loud (DJ Neo Hardstyle Mix)
6. DJ Duro - Just Begun (Showtek remix)
7. The Raiders - Disk Warrior (Disk Mix)
8. Builder - Skyscraper (DJ Luca Antolini Hard Mix)
9. Technoboy - Tales From A Vinyl
10. The Beholder & Balistic - Decibel Anthem
11. Tatanka & Ado the Dream - Kriminal Flash
12. Donkey Rollers - Strike Again 2004
13. Hardheadz - Wreck The Remix (The Beholder & Max Enforcer Remix)
14. Artic - Fuck The Fake Shit (Thrillogy 2013 Early Edit)
15. DJ Duro - Cocaine Motherfucker
16. Tatanka Project - Floor Massacre

Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
ID = are 2 tracks, so...

01. ID (I forgot it, probably Derb or Kai Tracid by the sound of it)
02. ID (forgot this one too)
03. Geal - Losing My Feelin'
04. Showtek - Controller (DJ Duro Remix)
05. Blutonium Boy - Make It Loud (DJ Neo Hardstyle Mix)
06. DJ Duro - Just Begun
07. The Raiders - Disk Warrior (Disk Mix)
08. Builder - Skyscraper (DJ Luca Antolini Hard Mix)
09. ID (technoboy - tales from a vinyl maybe? not entirely sure)
10. The Beholder & Balistic - Decibel Anthem
11. Tatanka & Ado The Dream - Kriminal Flash
12. Donkey Rollers - Strike Again 2004
13. Hardheadz - Wreck The Remix (The Beholder & Max Enforcer Remix)
14. Artic - Fuck The Fake Shit (Artic's Born Slippy Edit)
15. DJ Duro - Cocaine MF
16. Tatanka Project - Floor Massacre
Blacky_D -
I think the 1st track is Warmduscher - 10 Kleine Bassdrums
erol -
01.Asys - Acid Nightmare
02.Warmduscher - Auf Die Fresse
03.Geal - Im loosing my feeling Remix
04.Showtek - Controller [DJ Duro Mix]
05.Blutonium Boy - Make It Loud
06.DJ Duro - Just Begun (Showtek Remix)
07.The Raiders - Disk Warrior (Disk Mix)
08.Builder - Skyscraper (DJ Luca Antolini Hard mix)
09.Technoboy - Tales From A Vinyl
10.The Beholder & Balistic - Decibel Anthem
11.Tatanka & Ado The Dream - Kriminal Falsh
12.Donkey Rollers - Strike Again 2004
13. Hardheadz - Wreck The Remix (The Beholder & Max Enforcer Remix)
14. Artic - Fuck The Fake Shit (Edit?)
15. DJ Duro - Cocaine MF
16. Tatanka Project - Floor Massacre
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
tracklist edited
Edited by Hansolo on 28-10-2013 10:41
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
aw fuck yea acid nightmare .. of course!  :D
Morango -
What is real?
On 28-10-2013 10:10:48, erol wrote:

14. Artic - Fuck The Fake Shit (Edit?)

it's simply 14. Artic - Fuck The Fake Shit (Thrillogy 2013 Early Edit)
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
On 02-11-2013 16:25:11, Morango wrote:
it's simply 14. Artic - Fuck The Fake Shit (Thrillogy 2013 Early Edit)

JNKz -
hardcore 4 life!
Haze!!  :yay: