Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

San Marco @ Real Hardstyle Radio #03


Submitted by: SanMarco @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:01:35

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Real Hardstyle Radio session #03

Rated by: gertus

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1. Wildstylez & Max Enforcer ft. Frankie McCoy - Lose Control
2. Brennan Heart & Jonathan Mendelsohn - Imaginary
3. Coone ft. Chris Madin - Our Fairytale (Theme of Tomorrow 2013)
4. Sebastian Ingrosso & Tommy Trash ft. John Martin - Reload
5. Shockwave - Music Is Life
6. Wasted Penguinz & Adrenalize - Drift Away
7. Juized & Rebourne - Sanctuary
8. Project One - Life Beyond Earth
9. TNT - Skinner
10. Hard Driver & MC DL! - The Hunter
11. Fearsome - Madman
12. Zenith VS. Mauro Picotto - I'm Your Proximus DJ (Zatox Bootleg)
13. Adaro - History
14. The Geminizers - Eternal Bliss
15. Outbreak - Survival
16. Zany & Frequencerz - Quakers
17. K96 - Scary Out There
18. Prefix & Density - TC Live Polka DJ Tool