Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Barty Fire @ Feel My Fire #15


Submitted by: BartyFire @
Last edited by: BartyFire @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:47:35

More info
Say What ?! Feel My Fire !!!

Rated by: TheReducer The-Shade X-erz P4RTYLOV3R Jeffaaa AlvaroM Xahon BartyFire
Favorited by: BartyFire

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1. Degos & Re-Done - Connected
2. Digital Punk & Profyler - Bringing The Funk (Zatox Remix)
3. Delete - Mutants
4. Revolutionz - Godz
5. B-Front - Mysterias
6. The Beholder & Max Enforcer - Bitcrusher (Chris One remix)
7. B-Front & High Voltage - 4th Kind
8. Toneshifterz ft. Bioweapon - The Dead Of The Night
9. B-Front & Re-Volt - W.A.R.
10. Solutio & The I's ft. Arboza - The Cry
11. Zany & B-Front - Redeeming Light (Dream Village 2013 Anthem)
12. Solutio & The I's - 2.17
13. Delete - Protocol (Bass Protocol 2013 Anthem)
14. Warface - Show Me Your Warface (Loudness DJ Tool)

X-erz -
Edited by X-erz on 04-10-2013 22:30
Jeffaaa -
Kicken setje, goed tempo!
BartyFire -
Resident Dj @ Real Hardstyle
160 Beats Per Minute
Jeffaaa -
Solutio & The I's - 2.17
