Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Thera @ Rauw op je dak Podcast #1 - Theracords


Submitted by: ArtofDance @
Last edited by: ArtofDance @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:04:30

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Theracords proudly presents the first Rauw op je dak podcast!

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Rated by: ArtofDance Milhouse18 Blackburn Jeroen- Krauser Fluttershy EviLiv hdhessel Jeffaaa The-Stranger Devasticate Eyoung FritskeFrifa Thermus DannyH Jipdenk Rickik Smokey Pithune bamsa henkie1991 Boomrups AgeJ Vato X-Pander P4RTYLOV3R JNKz sinenV Maximumraver LowlandSK GaryOwens Scooby-Doo Xperior Submassive Zirkum Arjan1977 szczupak87 chicomaster jzoete Meggido Mexx basebearuk mudkipz heny Troyee NardPeeters B.A.S.H Antracks afro_fredje Ronder Joeyy pitchan StuStyleZ timdawes n30c0r73x Br3tt5k186 Nemrah Rawesomness partysoft View all ratings
Favorited by: Scooby-Doo Xperior Arjan1977 jzoete B.A.S.H timdawes Nemrah

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1. Activator - Sparta
2. Donkey Rollers - Relentlessly
3. Frequencerz & In-Phase - Fight for Survival (Hard Driver Remix)
4. DJ Thera - Celebrate
5. Alphaverb - Scary Voices (ft. Intractable One)
6. Frequencerz & B-Front - Fatality (1)
7. Exit Mind - Lost
8. Catatonic Overload - Futile
9. Degos & Re-done - Lomperkennie
10. Phuture Noize vs Prefix & Density - Masters
11. Eyoung & Tiifa - We Won't Die (Blackburn Remix)
12. DJ Thera - The Breaking Point
13. Amnesys - The Purest
14. Degos & Re-Done - This Mind
15. Delete - Mutants
16. Wavolizer - Sympho
17. DJ Thera & Delete - Welcome (Thera's Live Remix)
18. Chosen Few - Name Of The DJ (Jason Payne Remix)
19. Cemon Victa - Nature Of The Beast
20. Ophidian - Spectral Plane (DJ Edit)

Jeffaaa -

Zit al erg lang te zeuren over een harde mix van Thera om me te vergezellen in de gym!  :D
DJCraigg69 -
Too much Nu-style bollocks...What happened to the actual kick drum?? Fuck me. Boing boing boing kick drum ..not hard enough & i speak confidently for everyone. SHITE!!.. bring back the oldskool seriously.
sinenV -
Hardcore tag?
Stylus -
Nemrah -
King Of Core
great set! Nice tracks!

On 08-09-2013 03:57:45, DJCraigg69 wrote:

Too much Nu-style bollocks...What happened to the actual kick drum?? Fuck me. Boing boing boing kick drum ..not hard enough & i speak confidently for everyone. SHITE!!.. bring back the oldskool seriously.