Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Mental Wreckage @ Summermix 2005

Industrial Hardcore

Submitted by: Morango @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 00:57:51
Rated by: [deleted user] [deleted user] Revolting_Against MaGGieL
Favorited by: [deleted user]


01. The DJ Producer & Manu Le Malin - Special Request
02. Ophidian - Lynched
03. Tieum - Tresso
04. Armageddon Project - In The Underworld
05. Razor Edge - Chewing On The Razor
06. Electronic Pig - Whitest Tightest
07. Mute. - Misery In Motion
08. Tieum - Deviance
09. Rude Awakening - Revolting Against
10. Broken Rules - Blast-Off
11. Petrochemical - Netherworld
12. The Outside Agency - 740 mHz - Inertial Overtone
13. Mindustries - Translated Visions
14. Mental Wreckage - Ediskrad
15. Rude Awakening - Headhunter
16. Meccano Twins - Intro-Mission (Mental Wreckage remix)
17. The Outside Agency - Screaming Phoenix VIP
18. Armageddon Project - From The Ashes
19. Enzyme X - Skummes
20. D'Spyre & Hamunaptra - Threebond Of Consent
21. Catkiller - Evirddrah

MentalWreckage -

01. The DJ Producer & Manu Le Malin - Special Request
02. Ophidian - Lynched
03. Tieum - Tresso
04. Armageddon Project - In The Underworld
05. Razor Edge - Chewing On The Razor
06. Electronic Pig - Whitest Tightest
07. Mute. - Misery In Motion
08. Tieum - Deviance
09. Rude Awakening - Revolting Against
10. Broken Rules - Blast-Off
11. Petrochemical - Netherworld
12. The Outside Agency - 740 mHz - Inertial Overtone
13. Mindustries - Translated Visions
14. Mental Wreckage - Ediskrad
15. Rude Awakening - Headhunter
16. Meccano Twins - Intro-Mission (Mental Wreckage remix)
17. The Outside Agency - Screaming Phoenix VIP
18. Armageddon Project - From The Ashes
19. Enzyme X - Skummes
20. D'Spyre & Hamunaptra - Threebond Of Consent
21. Catkiller - Evirddrah
PatrickG88 [Set Editor] -
[Tʜᴇ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Bᴏx]
Soundcloud link added.