Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Darren Morfitt @ Diversify Yourself Podcast Classics 001

Techtrance   Trance   Electro

Submitted by: EDM.PL @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:02:13

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Sometimes it's good to remind yourself own musical roots and track you've played and enjoyed at the very begining of your journey as music producer and dj. Today i tought it will be good idea to bring back those memorable tunes to life and to remind some that i appreciate good music not looking at genere label or BPM.

In the mix some of my all time favs from Marcel Woods, Sander Van Doorn, Sean Tyas, JOC, Bryan Kearney, W&W, Wezz Devall and many more!

I hope you're ready to take this trip back in time with me.

Rated by: G-DUB

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1. Tocadisco - Da Fuckin Noize (Original Mix)
2. Marcel Woods - The Bottle (Original Mix)
3. W&W - Arena (Original Mix)
4. Wezz Devall - This Is Your Day (Original Mix)
5. Re-Ward - Black Jack (Original Mix)
6. Alex Lamb - Eighty7 (Original Mix)
7. Jonas Stenberg - Emo Dist (Wezz Devall Remix)
8. Chris Cortez - Black Waltz (Original Mix)
9. Ummet Ozcan & W&W - Synergy (Original Mix)
10. Sander Van Doorn - Riff (Original Mix)
11. Marcel Woods - Advanced (Original Mix)
12. Kamui - Exceeded (Original Mix)
13. Kamui - Thrill Kill (Original Mix)
14. Sean Tyas - Lift (Original Mix)
15. John O'Callaghan & Bryan Kearney - Extacly (Original Mix)