Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Gizmo & Trilok @ Hardclassics 2011

Early Hardstyle

Submitted by: Hansolo @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Length: 01:30:34
Rated by: Hansolo

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1. DJ Gizmo & DJ Norman - Power 2 Da People
2. ID (ID)
3. Julian DJ & Davide Sonar - Go Go Go
4. Brennan & Heart - Hardstate Channel
5. JAM - Right On (1)
6. Tomcraft - Prozac (Tony H Remix) (1)
7. Kyau vs. Albert - Save Me (Derb Remix) (1)
8. The Hose - Call It Hardstyle (2)
9. Derb - Derb (Arome Mix)
  Derb - In Africa
10. DJ Tom-x - Cocaine
11. ID (ID)
12. Ultrasonic - I Wanna Get Down
13. Outlaw - Once Again
14. A*S*Y*S - Acid Nightmare
  Derb - Derb
15. Schwarze Puppen - Schwarze Puppen (Russenmafia Remix)
16. DHHD - Funky Shit
17. DHHD - 30 Minutes
18. ID (ID)
19. ID (ID)
20. Southstylers - Pounding Senses
21. Ard und Jorn - 16
22. Pavo & Zany - S.E.X.
23. Showtek - Seid Ihr Bereid (1)
24. DJ Duro & The Prophet - Shizzle The Remix (The Beholder & Max Enforcer Remix)
25. ID (ID)
26. Dutch Masters - Take Some (1)
27. Hardstyle Masterz - Age of Reverse Bass
28. Deepack - The Prophecy / Deepack - Down Low / Deepack - Here's Johnny