Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DeniK @ Gateway Festival 2013


Submitted by: Mekanical @
Last edited by: Mekanical @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 00:46:40

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Hardstyle Heaven |

Check DeniK's official fan page for more tracks and mixes:

Rated by: Mekanical zalkinmusic

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1. DeniK - GateWay's Hardcore Anthem
2. The Opposites & Yellow Claw - Thunder (Evil Activities & E-Life Remix)
3. The Viper & Evil Activities - Raving Bootleg (Extended DJ Mix)
4. Outblast & Re-Style - Alive
5. Skrillex & Damian Marley - Make It Bun Dem (Kid Morbid Bootleg)
6. The Prodigy - No Good (Start The Dance) (Re-Style Bootleg)
7. DJ Mad Dog & Tommyknocker - Megamix 1
8. Evil Activities & DV8 Rocks - Guess What (Synthax Remix)
9. Panic - Doing it all (Komarovski Remix)
10. Knife Party - Bon Fire (Re-Style DJ Tool)
11. DJ Fresh - Gold Dust (Re-Style & Predator Bootleg)
12. Angerfist - Incoming