Have been getting quite a bit of wicked techno of late and been mixing like crazy cause of the monthly 2 hour Radio show (on Eat Music FM and also DI.FM) and at my gigs, but thought today I'd showcase some of the darker slices that have been rocking my world to combat the lovely weather we have been having.
The mixing is a bit punkish and levels a bit rough as this was literally mixed on the fly with a 'What tune would go nice next' approach and wasn't pre planned, but thought I would share it with you all as that's what live mixing is all about.
Also there's 2 new Compulzion tracks in here by Holland's Oli Kucera, a couple recent tracks I have bought and not played on mixes yet and a retro belter to end with that might be familiar to those of you who went Awakenings Festival on the weekend.