Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Para-Noir @ Bring Me The Violence


Submitted by: Motorhead @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 02:17:26

More info
(Live @ Kraft Peldosa Darbnica, Riga, Latvia)

Industrial Hardcore, TBM, Rhytmic Noise

Rated by: PatrickG88 Motorhead hardcorerepublic

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1. The Relic - The Extraordinary
2. Danny Ovington - Despair
3. Synapscape - Blades
4. Synapscape - Revolving Horse
5. Black Lung - The Hostmen Of Tyne
6. Hezzel - Critical
7. Hezzel - Liver Dance
8. Letzte Ausfahrt Leben - African Power
9. ESA - The Plot Sickens
10. Hypnoskull - The Payback
11. Hypnoskull - Show Me The Rhythm
12. Hezzel - Farsh Noise
13. Le Moderniste - At The Edge Of The End
14. Le Moderniste - Exalted Vices
15. Le Moderniste - It Creeps Into My Mind
16. Le Moderniste - Limbic System Desintegration
17. Machined - Nobody Cares
18. Organic Cage - Eat Your God
19. Organic Cage - Endgegner
20. Organic Cage - Planet Starbucks
21. Organic Cage - Wishing Well
22. Nobdrun - Freakcide
23. Tatlum - Lebenskampf
  Cut Pt. 2
24. Tugend Mensch - Wahnausbeutung
25. Cyber Punk - What Do You Feel
26. Hypnoskull & Needle Sharing - Haloperidol (Laut)
27. NaRick - Abandoned Factory
28. NaRick - Radioactive Contamination
29. NaRick - Rhythmic Anatomy
30. NaRick - Suburban Industrial Landscape
31. Le Moderniste - Rupture
32. Letzte Ausfahrt Leben - Brummton
33. Xotox - Bypass
34. The Peoples Republic Of Europe - Dreadnought
35. The Peoples Republic Of Europe - Deathstar
36. The Peoples Republic Of Europe - Burn Them All
37. Phasenmensch ft. ICD-10 - Anschlag Bei Nacht
38. Wieloryb - Goa (Remix by Letzte Ausfahrt Leben)
39. 5F_55 - 4c69-7474-6c65-205a-205a-6972-7461

PatrickG88 [Set Editor] -
[Tʜᴇ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Bᴏx]
Use the IND tag for this style of set  ;)
Motorhead -
On 02-07-2013 01:13:38, PatrickG88 wrote:

Use the IND tag for this style of set  ;)

Thnx for correcting, and adding good mirror, since beatplexity down it's a really good deal.
Can you please fix tracklist?
01. The Relic - The Extraordinary [Intro] (- Noisj -)
02. Danny Ovington - Despair (- Kurrupt -)
03. Synapscape - Blades (- Ant-Zen -)
04. Synapscape - Revolving Horse (- Ant-Zen -)
05. Black Lung - The Hostmen Of Tyne (- Ant-Zen -)
06. Hezzel - Critical (- Absetzer -)
07. Hezzel - Liver Dance (- ? -)
08. Letzte Ausfahrt Leben - African Power (- Morphic Field Resonance -)
09. ESA - The Plot Sickens (- Tympanik Audio -)
10. Hypnoskull - The Payback (- Ant-Zen -)
11. Hypnoskull - Show Me The Rhythm (- Ant-Zen -)
12. Hezzel - Farsh Noise (- Absetzer -)
13. Le Moderniste - At The Edge Of The End (- Hands Productions -)
14. Le Moderniste - Exalted Vices (- Hands Productions -)
15. Le Moderniste - It Creeps Into My Mind (- Hands Productions -)
16. Le Moderniste - Limbic System Desintegration (- Hands Productions -)
17. Machined - Nobody Cares (- GV Sound -)
18. Organic Cage - Eat Your God (- Vendetta Music -)
19. Organic Cage - Endgegner (- Vendetta Music -)
20. Organic Cage - Planet Starbucks (- Vendetta Music -)
21. Organic Cage - Wishing Well (- Vendetta Music -)
22. Nobdrun - Freakcide (- Steinklang Industries -)
23. Tatlum - Lebenskampf (- Absetzer -)
___-----____ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
24. Tugend Mensch - Wahnausbeutung (- Steinklang Industries -)
25. Cyber Punk - What Do You Feel (- Sturm -)
26. Hypnoskull & Needle Sharing - Haloperidol (Laut) (- Ant-Zen -)
27. NaRick - Abandoned Factory (- Absetzer -)
28. NaRick - Radioactive Contamination (- Absetzer -)
29. NaRick - Rhythmic Anatomy (- Absetzer -)
30. NaRick - Suburban Industrial Landscape (- Absetzer -)
31. Le Moderniste - Rupture (- Hands Productions -)
32. Letzte Ausfahrt Leben - Brummton (- Morphic Field Resonance -)
33. Xotox - Bypass (- Pro Noize -)
34. The Peoples Republic Of Europe - Dreadnought (- Vendetta Music -)
35. The Peoples Republic Of Europe - Deathstar (- Vendetta Music -)
36. The Peoples Republic Of Europe - Burn Them All (- Vendetta Music -)
37. Phasenmensch feat. ICD-10 - Anschlag Bei Nacht (- Hands Productions -)
38. Wieloryb - Goa (Remix by Letzte Ausfahrt Leben) (- Antyscena -)
39. 5F_55 - 4c69-7474-6c65-205a-205a-6972-7461 (- Hands Productions -)
G-Raver -
Too bad I wasn't in riga for work at that time  :-/ Set looks promising though  :arr:
PatrickG88 [Set Editor] -
[Tʜᴇ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Bᴏx]
On 07-07-2013 08:52:05, Motorhead wrote:


Thnx for correcting, and adding good mirror, since beatplexity down it's a really good deal.
Can you please fix tracklist?

Tracklist added (without name labels.. new rules!)  :thumbsup:
G-Raver -
Added the video link
Edited by G-Raver on 07-07-2013 10:44
Motorhead -
On 07-07-2013 10:29:16, PatrickG88 wrote:


Tracklist added (without name labels.. new rules!)  :thumbsup:

uhm... didn't know about them. Seems to be new news aviable only for set editors & higher  -_-
hardcorerepublic [Moderator] -
♪ ♫♫ ♪