Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Ferren @ Gabber.FM Gabber's Nostalgia 002

Early Hardcore

Submitted by: Ferren @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:53:37

More info

Rated by: AEON Apothecary Sarge BJK


01. DJ Rob - Rob's 20 Seconds
02. DJ Rob & Tim B - The Second Coming
03. Ferren vs. H8TR - Smartphone Madness
04. DJ Isaac - Bad Dreams (Extended Mix)
05. DJ Rob & Tim B - Twisted Mind
06. James Daltan - Guilty as Charged
07. Cixx & Syco - Madness
08. Cixx - To The Bass (Dome Mix)
09. James Daltan - Warpspeed vs Hyperspeed
10. Dark Destination - Destronations
11. Ferren - Alvam
12. Ferren - Royalty (Remix)
13. Ferren - Simman
14. 3 Steps Ahead - Drop it (Original Mix)
15. Ferren - Down With Approval
16. Bioforce & DJ Mike AH Man - Edit Town
17. DJ Yves - Amy