Shoutbox: [02-01] RubberenRobbie: Happy New Year LSDBers  :thumbsup2:  :bday:  (L)

Neokrome @ Angel of Shade // Genetix B-Day


Submitted by: Frontkick @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 00:46:00


Subversion - Give me some dirty
Sirio ft The Braindrillerz - Remember my name
Dr Peacock ft Markus Dekks - Vive la Frenchcore
Subversion ft Prototype Hardcore - Gimme more bass (Bit Reactor remix)
Bit Reactor - So good
Sirio ft Bit Reactor - Play my game
Sirio ft The Braindrillerz - HC underground
Sirio fr The Braindrillerz - Old School Gangster
Braindrillerz -Pure Drill Kore
Bit Reactor- Sound Park
S'Aphira ft The Vizitor - Pas de Frenchcore s'il vous plait