Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Sean Tyas @ Tytanium Sessions 197

Progressive Trance

Submitted by: Hansolo @

Length: 01:00:06
Rated by: Sudden Sonneillon


01. Meridian - Summer Inside Infrasonic
02. Ferry Corsten - F The Bull$h1t Flashover
03. Solis & Sean Truby - Meerkat Garuda
04. Rex Mundi - Seek & Destroy Coldharbour
05. Maarten de Jong - Wave Glider Vandit Records
06. Tommy Johnson - Make A Difference Unearthed Red TOUGH AS TYTANIUM TRACK OF THE WEEK
07. Alae Khaldi - Perception (Araya & Mark Dreamer Remix) Unearthed Records
08. Ashai - The Untold Story (Mobil Remix) Vendace
09. Talla2XLC - Rush Hour Perfecto Fluoro
10. Bowdidge & Taylor - Flashback Mental Asylum
11. Darren Porter & Gareth Weston - First Contact Aria Recordings