Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Noize Syndrome @ Home

Industrial Hardcore

Submitted by: Noizesyndrome @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:59:29
Rated by: Snifobiah Ulsen



1. Fracture 4 - I never want to see your face again
2. The Outside Agency - The New Master VIP
3. Stormtrooper - The Silence Between us
4. The Outside Agency - Oscillation Overthruster
5. Tymon & Waldhaus - Banghoe
6. Tymon - Gucci
7. Angel - Industrial Base
8. Mindustries - Flash Food
9. Tymon - Nt002
10. The Outside Agency - The Strangers
11. Waldhaus - A Journey through time
12. The Outside Agency & Ophidian - The Shadows
13. Stormtrooper - Hope Springs Eternal
14. Deathmachine - Monster Freak
15. Igneon System Vs. Homeboy - Like A Criminal
16. Dither - Sacred Treasure
17. Lowroller - No Fear
18. Lowroller Vs. N-Vitral - Hell Capsule
19. N-vitral - Kling Klong