Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Partyraiser @ WOS Radio


Submitted by: avi_gabber @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Filetype: 256 kbit MP3
Length: 00:46:18

More info
I found this set in a forum.

Rated by: hardevg Hansolo Holland93 HardT3K-Tic MoDi JakHalz dark-lite MarcoTechnofolle JNKz LeD Marc_Hardest chalmers VoidStalker mxracing2 Lsdos Naomideborah missmaxwell [deleted user] JeffreyFCT
Favorited by: Hansolo walbier missmaxwell

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1. Darkcontroller vs Nonasylum - Dead Man Walking
2. Hoeppi - Vulcano Hurricane Junky
3. Dither - Adopted The Dark
4. Imperium Bass - Macabre Connection Mashup
5. Partyraiser & Scrape Face - Dancing On Your Grave (Wars Industry Remix)
6. Stormtrooper - Beautiful Music
7. Darkcontroller vs Nonasylum - What The Fuck (Hardcore Masterz Vienna Remix)
8. Pzyco Beat Project - Pzy & Co
9. Khaoz Engine ft. Omegahardkore - Dogshit
10. Rotterdam Terror Corps & Paul Elstak - Skull Dominion (Destructive Tendencies Remix)
11. Rotterdam Terror Corps & Dione - Man Made Massacre
12. Drokz - The Internet
13. Elite Forces - Little Death
14. Andy the Core & Radical Disorder - Causing Damage
15. OGM909 - 666

hardevg -
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
I'm not sure. Some tracks may be a Remix or just a new track. So far:

01. ID
02. Tommyknocker - Hurricane
03. Noize Suppressor - Hardcore Junky
04. ID
05. DJ Partyraiser - Dancing On Your Grave
06. ID
07. Stormtrooper - Beautiful Music
08. Darkcontroller vs. Non Asylum - What The Fuck
09. ID
10. ID
11. Turbulence - 6 Million Ways To Die (F. Noize Remix)
12. Negative A - Raw Dogs
13. Rotterdam Terror Corps & Paul Elstak - Skull Dominion (ID Remix?)
14. ID
15. ID
16. ID
17. ID
18. OGM909 - 666
Dance_or_die -
04 . Imperium Bass - Macabre Connection Mashup
Dance_or_die -
heerlijk mix !
irritante kut presentator die er doorheen blert is wat minder
Dance_or_die -
heerlijk mix !
irritante kut presentator die er doorheen blert is wat minder
LeD -
1) Darkcontroller vs Non Asylum - Dead Man Walking
Marc_Hardest -
13. Andy The Core & Radical Disorder - Causing Damage
MarcoTechnofolle -
12. Rotterdam Terror Corps & Paul Elstak - Skull Dominion Destructive Tendencies Remix
Edited by MarcoTechnofolle on 07-05-2013 16:49
DelugeOfSound [Moderator] -
On 28-04-2013 01:37:23, Hansolo wrote:

Track 2

Haha does that kid produce tracks now too? Patrick jumpen #2  _O-
Olla -
9 & 10 = 1 track : Khaoz Engine Ft. Omegahardkore - Dogshit
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
01. Darkcontroller vs Non Asylum - Dead Man Walking
02. Hoeppi - Vulcano Hurricane Junky (Mash Up)
03. Imperium Bass - Macabre Connection Mashup
04. Partyraiser & Scrape Face - Dancing On Your Grave (Wars Industry Remix)
05. Stormtrooper - Beautiful Music
06. Darkcontroller vs. Non Asylum - What The Fuck (Hardcore Masterz Vienna Remix)
07. Pzyco Beat Project - Pzy & Co
08. Khaoz Engine Ft. Omegahardkore - Dogshit
09. Rotterdam Terror Corps & Paul Elstak - Skull Dominion (Destructive Tendencies Remix)
10. ID
11. ID
12. Elite Forces - Little Death
13. Andy The Core & Radical Disorder - Causing Damage
14. OGM909 - 666
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
10. Rotterdam Terror Corps & Dione - Man Made Massacre
11. Drokz - The Internet
Allan23 -
Awesome Set  :thumbsup: