Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Ben Harder @ Ben Harder Show 235

Industrial Hardcore

Submitted by: Hansolo @

Length: 04:02:36

More info
Ben Harder Show 2.0. The weekly hardcore show by Ben Harder, The Relic, Speakerdeamon, Ebru, Niels and Warchetype. Broadcast every Tuesday from 8PM - 12AM (GMT+1) at Q-dance Radio.


Hour 1
Hidden Rooms - Specimen (BHS Retseketser)
Hidden Rooms - Decoy
Weisses Rauschen - The Energy We Need (Nekra Damage Dark Energy Mix)
Razor Edge - Grim Reaper
Hidden Rooms - Black
Moleculez - Predator
Sei2ure - Proton
Innovative - Little Bunny Rabbit
Kush - Toverdose
The Relic - Anti Particle
Desolation - Desty Nova
Mindustries - Reclaim
Amnesys - The Purest

Hour 2
The Outside Agency - A Perfect World
Ophidian ñ Phaseshift
S.I.S.S.I.G. - Skeptical
Mindustries - Depths
Desolation - Destructuration Gelstat
Furyan - Conflict
Panic - Doing It All
AK-Industry & Billy S - The Devil
The Illuminati - Switch Glitch
Embrionyc - It's Over, She Said
Biomek & Demanufacturer - Soulpurgers
Promo & D-Passion - The Process
Neophyte Feat. Mc Jeff - The Remedy
Neophyte & The Viper - Peace
Prankster - Just Music

Hour 3
The Viper Feat. Alee - The Trust
Embrionyc - Mind In Motion
System Shock & Dazzler - Forget It All
Erre & Hardlogik Vs. Syrinx - D.I.E.
Sinister Souls - Parasite Bandit (Feat. Gein & Bratkilla)
Biomek & Demanufacturer - The Artifact (Beta)
System Shock Feat. MC Jeff - The Adrenaline
DJ Hidden - Einstein
Amnesys - The Purest (YMB Remix)
Deathmachine - Fighting For A New World
N-Vitral - Kombat Aktion
The Outside Agency - Tesla
Sandy Warez - This Is War

Hour 4
Endymion & Neophyte Feat. Alee - I Will Remain
Pandorum - Raw Intelligence
Petrochemical - To Conquer Fear
Sei2ure - Hooligan Etiquette
Switch Technique - Intelligence
YMB Feat. K-TecK - Aquarius
Tieum & Angerfist - Smile About That
Neophyte & Tha Playah Feat. Alee - Tijdbom
D-Passion - Taking Back Our Rights
Engage Blue - Forsaken Games
Sadistic - Drug Abuse
Armageddon Project - K-hole Unfold
Nanostorm - Creature
Phitrax - More Fucking Gain