Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Carnage & Cluster @ Another Super Awesome Big Fat Huge Mix

Industrial Hardcore   Hardcore   Terror

Submitted by: molspaul @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 05:43:17
Rated by: molspaul Knomo Zero12 G-Raver Krisiek82 DJTheJoker Krauser Demolition075 Sjaan Haatpiraat MaGGieL NoMoreSissystyle hompii Praevus Ivanow McBong
Favorited by: molspaul Hansolo hompii Demolition075 mizumo

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1. No-Man - Infant Phenomenon
2. The Prodigy - Voodoo Beats
3. Cubic Nomad - The Day We Left The Earth
4. The Outside Agency - The Wanderng Mind
5. Starving Insect - Nurturing The Cancer
6. Hidden Rooms - Stardust
7. Mindwalker - No Epitaphs
8. Mortifer - The Greatest Power (Marching Forward)
9. Weisses Rauschen - World Turns Black
10. Raum 107 - Lucifer - The Light
11. Omnicide - Anthropogenic Ecological Catastrophe
12. W.A.S.T.E. - DMT Zone
13. Terrorfakt - Sie Bringen Mich Um
14. Rude Awakening - Awkward
15. Somatic Responses - Tachyon Attack
16. Carnage & Cluster - Invictus
17. Embrionyc - The Ripper
18. Sound Abuse - Deadly Romance
19. Miro - Purple Moon
20. Robotiker - (R)evolution
21. Stormtrooper - I Found The Light
22. The Illuminati & Hibou - Hybrid Decision (The Illuminati Remix)
23. Sei2ure - Lunar Invasion
24. E-Man - Dark Discovery
25. The Man Unknown - F341
26. Frozen & Dr. Macabre - Dimension Of The Doomed
27. Dr. Strange & Satronica - The Land Runs Red (The Outside Agency Remix)
28. Underworld - Born Slippy (Nuxx)
29. Embrionyc - Protector
30. Promo - Original Thinker
31. Embrionyc, Moleculez & Warchetype - Unauthorized
32. Mokushi - TRNMSX
33. Rude Awakening - Revolting Against
34. Tymon & Waldhaus - Banghoe
35. Frame Of Mind - She Shonin
36. Stormtrooper - The Silence Between Us
37. I:Gor - Oto Czym Jest Muzyka
38. Armageddon Project - Scorn Of A Dying Glare
39. Nosferatu - Disorder of the Mind
40. Rave Creator - Wake Up
41. Dr. Macabre - Kiss My Entire Ass
42. Fracture 4 - Thank You For Breaking My Heart
43. Promo - Among The Best
44. Rave Creator & The Mover - Atmos-Fear
45. Unknown - Here Comes The Pain
46. Stolen Cult - Welcome To Jamcore
47. Nosferatu & Ophidian - Psychiatric Ass
48. Cubic Nomad - World Enders
49. Catscan - Capture In Distress
50. MadElephant - Dark Industrial
51. I:Gor - Commodorize
52. Dither - Binary
53. Deathmachine - Monster Freak
54. Al Core - Caveman
55. Matt Green - Drive Home (Sly Mans Refix)
56. Peaky Pounder - Smells Like Senior Spirit
57. Reflecti - Rotor
58. Sarin Assault - Undead (Forsaken Is Dead's Still Dead Remix)
59. The Relic - Day Of Sacrifice
60. Angel - Freak Of Nature (Angel Remix)
61. N-Vitral - The Shotgun
62. Unexist & Lenny Dee - Brutal Beatz
63. Ferox - Faith
64. Ophidian - Formshift
65. Dual Mechanism - Sociopath
66. Sei2ure - Singularity
67. Hellfish - Meat Machine Broadcast System
68. Switch Technique - Mohawk Mercenaries
69. Sei2ure - Extermination
70. Stolen Cult - Strictly Hardcore Underground
71. Lights Off - Only You Can See (DJ Hidden's Dark Version)
72. The Outside Agency - Headphone Wisdom
73. Tieum - Repeat
74. Nosferatu - Up The Drums
75. Audio Nail - Fuck Scarface
76. Napalm - Education (B2) [NAPALM 4]
77. Desolation - Do You Like Games?
78. Sadistic - Understand This!
79. I:gor - The Art Of Distortion
80. Industrial Frequency - Mindworks
81. Hellfish - Rip the Cut
82. Igneon System & Homeboy - Respect The Strength
83. The DJ Producer - Positive Outlook
84. Goetia - Trashforce
85. Detest - Oxygenocide
86. Hellfish - Ultraviolence (Weapons Of Mass Destraction)
87. The DJ Producer - Revised Knowledge
88. Stickhead & Don Demon - Demonhead
89. Overcast - Attack!
90. I:gor - Get Ya Freak On
91. I:Gor- We're Gonna Do It Like This
92. Goetia - Terror Revisited
93. The Kotzaak Klan - Bang Your Fuckin' Head
94. FORSAKEN IS DEAD - Bloodbath Circuitry
95. Razor Edge - Lekker Ding
96. Skim - Fuckin' Furry
97. Narotic vs UVC - The Kings Are Back
98. Liquid Blasted - Rokkocore
99. Jack Lucifer - '96 Knights (To The Death Mix)

Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
Megaawesuper  :worship:
TimTim [Moderator] -
Feeeeeddddd Meeeee
 :star:  :hungry:
Zero12 -
every 4th Monday 22CET
+ huuuuge
hompii -
I'm a tester of the hard shit
Genieten ja  :yay:
Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
Deze verdiend zo veel meer stemmeng  :arr:
Bedlam -
Working link added.