Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Luna @ DefQon.1 2003

Early Hardstyle

Submitted by: J1MZ @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:31:58
Rated by: Cynis RazorbladeZ zum SBD Goelan Barbarian steviedoyle Damustrial Nitrogen hostage Nilles Er_MuReNa Zieloneq JNKz AkiraDark95 ti00rki
Favorited by: RazorbladeZ Goelan


01 Gollum & Yanny pres. Shithead - Shithead
02 DHHD - The Anthem
03 Aikon - Mobile Tones
04 Showtek - Seid Ihr Bereit
05 Tatanka & Ado The Dream - Kriminal Flash
06 Cosmic Gate - The Truth (Isaac Remix)
07 Ultra Tech - Bel-E-Ve
08 Lorenzo De Preti - Fuel
09 ID
10 DHHD & Luna - DefQon 1 Anthem
11 Tronik - Sensational (Ultronic Mix)

Faber -
Kij, dit is pas kicken! Echte hardstyle, zoals t hoort!  :worship:
Constantine -
Hungarian DJ
THANKS!  :worship:  :thumbsup2:
MiKuMa -
04 Showtek - Seid Ihr Bereit  :thumbsup2:
11 Tronik - Sensational (Ultronic Mix)  :thumbsup2:
Thomas87 -
Dit is toch de set van Haze & Abyss of ligt dat nou aan mij?
JNKz -
hardcore 4 life!
pointzero -
uploaded together with other sets with my tag @ 192kbits on soundcloud
Edited by pointzero on 17-02-2019 23:40