Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Scope DJ @ De Tijdmachine 2013


Submitted by: djryfle @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Length: 00:58:58
Rated by: mstx M0rtenK G-Raver Revolting_Against Speedboats C-side no0 kollie Jatoch BouncingBall real7a Kremer DJTheJoker BennyBS humbak AgeJ JNKz Maximumraver jefrim SirConceptz hdhessel AlvaroM O.G.SvenSol Sc0tTy Koene NLS04 LarsHardstyle Milhouse18 Suprairc Piede Siemen Hansolo Micha82 BlackSunrise TKBeeckman View all ratings
Favorited by: real7a humbak JNKz jefrim Micha82

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1. Traum - The Frame (The Raiders Remix)
2. Headhunterz - Gangstah'z Attitude
3. Scope - Shimmy Shaker
4. Showtek vs Gizmo - 3 The Hard Way
5. Technoboy - Rage
6. Project One - Fantasy or Reality
7. TNT - DJ Without A Brain (Technoboy Mix)
8. Noisecontrollers - Attack Again
9. Tuneboy - Sexbusters (Scope DJ Remix)
10. Scope DJ - Lockdown
11. 2 Best Enemies - Les Drums (TBY Remix)
12. Pavo & Zany - Orgasmo
13. DJ Gius - Things To Do (Scrubs Mix)
14. Headhunterz - Digiwave
  w/ Zany & Tatanka ft. MC DV8 - Front 2 Back
15. Scope DJ - Rock Hypnotic
16. Headhunterz - Subsonic
17. Noisecontrollers - Gaia 2008

mstx [Admin] -
Altijd goed geleid en shit
 :worship:  :yay:  :yay:
M0rtenK -
awesome tl
thehardstyleholland -
Yeah ik mag deze set herbeleven !!  :worship:

Scope - Shimmy Shaker  :bomb:
no0 -
Awesome tracklist. Shame Gangstah'z Attitude was never released  :(
DJ_Basskoenig -
02. Headhunterz - Gangstah'z Attitude
03. Scope - Shimmy Shaker

nice set!
Jatoch -
Lekker setje!
Kremer -
Lekker hoor!

Brings back memories!
JNKz -
hardcore 4 life!
uuuuu scope dj played nice shit  ;)

02. Scope - Shimmy Shaker  :worship:
03. Headhunterz - Gangstah'z Attitude  :L  :L  :L  :L  :L  :L  :L  :L  :L
07. TNT - DJ Without A Brain (Technoboy Mix)  :bomb:
15. Scope DJ - Rock Hypnotic  :thumbsup2:
Edited by JNKz on 21-03-2013 21:31
Mexx -
Thalion Heru | Evil Adrenaline
Zieke tracklist... o,0
Micha82 -
Showtek & Gizmo - 3 The Hard Way
Noisecontrollers - Attack Again


What a banging set!  :worship:
Edited by Micha82 on 22-05-2013 22:50
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
On 21-03-2013 09:06:25, DJ_Basskoenig wrote:
02. Headhunterz - Gangstah'z Attitude

Never heard of it  :?