Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

Röm der Zerstörer @ Speedcore Worldwide Podcast 008


Submitted by: ThorstenSCWorldwide @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 01:01:22

More info
Hello Speedcoreheadz! (°°,)

Speedcore Worldwide Podcast 008 is out now! After 2 Legends on the last two Episodes it's the Time now for Newcomer Röm der Zerstörer to introduce himself and show us his Speedcore. Some of you had surely notized the name on LSDB or in one of the Speedcore Groups on Facebook .. under this introduction you will find the free download links for mp3 only or for the whole rar-archive. I hope you enjoy this mix and wish everbody a fuckin' great Weekend! Cheers & SC4L! â—£_â—¢

Download & Listen (1xMP3):

rar-Archive (MP3, Artwork, Tracklist & Infos):

Rated by: ThorstenSCWorldwide kinderhack SpeedcoreSVK hardcorerepublic JonnyWalker tanner012555 SpeedGestoert Headqracker 5-HT Xtheon Ownz
Favorited by: kinderhack tanner012555


01. Pressterror - Terror Bang (Valencia Terror Corps RMX)
02. Elektrotot - Schlampenterror
03. A.N.C. - Born 2 Be A Fukker
04. Speedcore Whore - Some Sort Of Stompe
05. Kurwastyle Project - Fitze Fatze Fotze
06. Loffciamcore - Screw You And Your Real Speedcore
07. Egodiscordia - First Horseman
08. Prince ov Darkness & Bonehead - Pedal To The Metal
09. Cynoirb-me vs. Loffciamcore & Commercialwhore - Die Saat Der Splitter Girls (Mashup)
10. Elektrotot vs. Noizefucker - Sinnlos / Todesdrang
11. Sliptrip - Das Echo Der Totalen Verrottung
12. Virus136 - Speedcore Müsste Verboten Werden
13. Destroid - Splittersvet
14. Storz - Dreadnaught
15. BABAI - Motherfuckin' Speedcore
16. DJ Disturbed - Disturbed Kick
17. Loffciamcore - Zamknij Kurwa Ryj Bo Napierdalam
18. Loffciamcore - Wypierdalaj S³odka Kurwo Bo Ciê Zjem
19. iGoA - Der Raum Ist Schief
20. Noisekick vs. Noizefucker - Moeten Er Dooie Vallen
21. TommY RuleZ - My Splitter Soul (Peckerhead RMX)
22. Loffciamcore & DJ Basler - Napierdalamy (2010 Edit)
23. DJ Totschläger - Gegen Nazis
24. Shittingwhore - Sperm Enema
25. Dezibel - Laufschlampe
26. Splitterkind - Tone
27. The M.S.P. - Obsession Death
28. The M.S.P. - Devil Noise
29. Nabend - Aufputschmittel