Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Mabrook PSKT @ R.A.W. Grenoble


Submitted by: assotripandteuf @
Last edited by: PatrickG88 @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 01:00:00
Rated by: assotripandteuf p0tager DarkyV mabrookpskt RazorBack F.Noize son92 billtripandteuf JNKz Saba1980 Etrax YellowKam K-Star hijack73000


01. Skrillex & Damian Marley - Make It Bun Dem (Kid Morbid Remix)
02. StereoType - March To The Drums
03. Kasparov - Around The World
04. Tha Playah - The Impact
05. Bass-D & King Matthew - In The Mix (2012 Refix)
06. Beatstream & Radiate - Rock It
07. Tommyknocker - T-2012
08. Dione - Work Ya Body
09. Angerfist - Choices (Neox Refix)
10. JuanMa - King Of The Jungle (2013 Refix)
11. Mad Dog & Noize Suppressor - Get A Life
12. Dj Fresh - Gold Dust (Predator & Re-Style Bootleg)
13. Mad Dog - Agony (Destructive Tendencies Remix)
14. Paul Estak - My Beat
15. Meccano Twins - WTFisthis (Neox Remix)
16. AniMe - Fuckin Nocturnal Detonation (Mash Up)
17. Tieum & Partyraiser - Equipment Fail
18. Neophyte & Tha Playah Ft Alee - Tijdbom
19. Dj J.D.A. - Voel Je Die Bass (The Hitmen Remix)
20. Paul Estak vs Partyraiser Ft Firestone - I Don't Care (De Gezellige Mix)