Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Thunder @ Zero DB (m2o)


Submitted by: M.D.M.A. @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Rated by: D-Mind


01. A-Lusion - Perfect It (Frontliner Remix)
02. Abyss & Judge - Shadows
03. Beat Providers - Darkest Dreams
04. Beat Providers - The Solstice
05. Francesco Zeta - Fairyland
06. Freqs Vs N3ck And Decepticon - Ta Reine
07. Headhunterz - Just Say My Name
08. Headhunterz - The Lost Soul
09. Recount - Bring The Party To Life
10. Recount - Free Your Mind
11. Scope DJ - Tuned In
12. The Raiders - Disk Warrior (The Nasty Boyz Remix)

D-Mind -
01. A-Lusion - Perfect It (Frontliner Remix)
02. Abyss & Judge - Shadows
03. Beat Providers - Darkest Dreams
04. Beat Providers - The Solstice
05. Francesco Zeta - Fairyland
06. Freqs Vs N3ck And Decepticon - Ta Reine
07. Headhunterz - Just Say My Name
08. Headhunterz - The Lost Soul
09. Recount - Bring The Party To Life
10. Recount - Free Your Mind
11. Scope DJ - Tuned In
12. The Raiders - Disk Warrior (The Nasty Boyz Remix)
Nevio -
Not a bad tracklist,
double vision double vision

Beat Providers  :L  :L  :L  :L  :L  :L  :L