Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

The Stunned Guys @ Masters of Hardcore 2009


Submitted by: Biloute71 @

More info
14-04-09: HQ added (Missing last 2 songs)

Rated by: Nevio rollerman kikusthc donkeyrollers SBD ImpacT barTTuss hostage Snufver byzpo giessuh Jopjuhh chicomaster Doone kwaibegai Wojtek mrscantraxx85 IceManPr0 TheXQz infidel vrijengezellig Damustrial greg4850 View all ratings
Favorited by: ImpacT barTTuss raffie18


1. Amnesys - Elevation
2. Tommyknocker & Mad Dog - Minimix
3. Art Of Fighters - Artwork [Tha Playah Remix]
4. Nico & Tetta - Gangsta & Gangsta
5. Tommyknocker & Sunbeam - Outside World [The Viper's Mash-Up Mix]
6. Art Of Fighters & Endymion - Let's Get It On
7. Tommyknocker - Crunk
8. The Stunned Guys - Hymn [Neophyte Remix]
9. Mad Dog - Welcome Down
10. The Stunned Guys - Raise Cain
11. Mad Dog - Nasty

12. Neophyte & The Stunned Guys - The Soul Collector
13. The Viper - Minimix 1

For lower quality, including last 2 songs:

RogeRi -
Cut the midrange. Drop the bass
GJ Biloute  :)
Nevio -
Got the MOH sets on pretty quickly  :thumbsup:
RogeRi -
Cut the midrange. Drop the bass
pretty quickly?  :o
couldn't faster  :yay:
ouafpalouf -
thanks biloute 71 for the upload even if the quality is  :X . I have tried to upgrade my rip of the live broadcasting with some software but the result is not better  :no:
Odyssee -
mirror plz zippy
ouafpalouf -
i have just added the zippyshare link
kwaibegai -
1. Amnesys - Elevation
2. Tommyknocker & Mad Dog - Minimix
3. Art Of Fighters - Artwork [Tha Playah Remix]
4. Nico & Tetta - Gangsta & Gangsta
5. Tommyknocker & Sunbeam - Outside World [The Viper's Mash-Up Mix]
6. Art Of Fighters & Endymion - Let's Get It On
7. ID
8. The Stunned Guys - Hymn [Neophyte Remix]
9. Mad Dog - Welcome Down
10. The Stunned Guys - Raise Cain
11. Mad Dog - Nasty
12. Neophyte & The Stunned Guys - The Soul Collector
13. The Viper - Minimix 1
EazyE -
ziet er weinig boeiend uit
alle nummers al zo vaak gehoord, vernieuwing gaat traag bij de hardcore van tegenwoordig.
mss dat ik daarom meer van industrial ben gaan houden.
zijn daar geen setjes opgenomen.
hostage -
Elevation  :worship:  :L
byzpo -
DJ & Hardcore Ambassador
 :thumbsup: thanks for sharing

Some of the other livesets of the event have better quality but I believe this has to be with the live broadcast from the Brabanthallen...
fabianbeljaars -
yea, the moh sets always kinda medium quality
IceManPr0 -
Reload -
7 = Tommyknocker - Crunk
nljeroennl -
jammer dat het lekkere kutkwaliteit is  :S
andre -
Jeroeenn -
HQ link:

Loopt tot nasty wegens interview dat ineens kwam:
FightForMore -
Motherfucking One!
Jammer dat Army Of Hardcore er niet meer bij was.  :( Wanneer zenden ze meestal livesetjes uit op hardcoreradio ? Hopen dat ze deze nog eens draaien met Army Of Hardcore erbij.