Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Tripped vs. Bartoch @ This Is Hardcore Ultimate Conflict

Hardcore   Terror

Submitted by: Hansolo @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 00:55:40

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Rated by: DenDB Krisiek82 sanderb91 MindestructionOfficial Hansolo Darksound Jokor djul xxbeemerxx -KevT-Error- nielskuh Ivanow JakHalz Krank-Im-Kopf zirk LPM donut B.A.S.H Saba1980 robinhc D4RkN3sS Gioom showgarcia JayC meskcrime Bassbasilisk fragany Praevus babsjan208 DidMyTime coresa Nigma walbier Zero12 Meggido djrayman antonio-PontAeri Marcel-o nimweegenaar HardT3K-Tic lethal-core ThaDjMurree D-Xtreme S.T.B SpeedPiet ZaagendeHakkelaar Sarge MarcoTechnofolle DJ-Kritec melvin053 greg4850 Drugzz frenker pointzero The_Sociopath View all ratings
Favorited by: xxbeemerxx MindestructionOfficial donut terreurpoes D4RkN3sS babsjan208 walbier TKBeeckman lethal-core ThaDjMurree S.T.B ZaagendeHakkelaar DJ-Kritec

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1. Tripped - Fuck the Millennium
2. Miss K8 - Unforgettable
3. Bartoch - Magician Dancing
4. Lowroller & Bartoch - Distorted Hangovers
5. Ruffneck - What The Hell
6. Angerfist - Right Through Your Head (Tieum Remix)
7. Bartoch - I'm The Danger
8. Bartoch - Fat Burner
9. Tieum & Partyraiser ft. MC Da Hustla - The Empire Strikes Back
10. DJ Sim - Simbiosis (DJ Obscurity Remix)
11. Alien T - My mind is prepared
12. Bartoch - Let's Get Dirty
13. E-Noid - Screaming (Industrial Terrorists Remix)
14. Tieum & Neophyte - Vulgar Display of Power
15. Bartoch - Dictator Rules
16. Bartoch - Fuck Facebook
17. Angerfist & Drokz - Deathmask
18. Drokz & DaY-már - Our Song
19. Bartoch & The Punisher - Fireway
20. Bartoch - Follow Shit
21. Tripped - Mornin' Fucker
22. Bartoch - La Musica Brutta

sanderb91 -
haha het was echt wachten totdat deze vrijkwam, lang leven de fans van bartoch dat hij hem cadeau deed!  :thumbsup2:
sanderb91 -
21. Bartoch - follow shit
22. tripped - mornin fucker
23 Bartoch - la musica brutta
Darksound -
 :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :worship:  :worship:  :beer:  :beer:  :beer:  :beer:  :yum:  :yum:  :yum:  :L  :L  :L  :L
sossie -
08. Bartoch - I'm the danger
D4RkN3sS -
Hardcore what else!!
 :yay:  :yay:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :worship:  :worship:
DidMyTime -
DidMyTime -
walbier -
12. Alien T - My Mind Is Prepared (ID Remix ?)

Jezus christus was dreunt dat nummer lekker door GODVERDOMME  :D  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:
sossie -
04. Lowroller & Bartoch - Distorted Hangovers
LeonV -
top!  8-)
MarcoTechnofolle -
13 - Bartoch - Let's get dirty
Edited by MarcoTechnofolle on 23-02-2013 13:28
antonio-PontAeri -
Marcel-o -
wreed  :w00t:
knald goed door!
lethal-core -
 :bomb: jaaaa awesome  :thumbsup2:
S.T.B -
8: Bartoch - Fat burner
14: E-Noid - Screaming (Industrial Terrorists remix)
20: Bartoch & The Punisher - Fireway
Playlist is compleet! Was echt knallen in de minus!
Edited by S.T.B on 14-10-2013 12:18
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
Thank you!  :thumbsup: 9 and 12 are still missing...
S.T.B -
There is no 9.. After Fat burner comes Empire strikes back!
pointzero -
soundcloud added