Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Da Bass Ruler @ Hardtechno Mix #4

Hardtechno   Schranz

Submitted by: Da_Bass_Ruler @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 01:42:13
Rated by: djalkaida13 Ivanow
Favorited by: Carlosstylez


01. BMG aka Brachiale Musikgestalter - Destroy the Outlaw (Sutura Remix)
02. Dariush Gee - It's A Sin 2 (Mastered Version)
03. Scott Kemix Vs. Dr. Chekill - We Are The Painkillers
04. Jason Little - Movies Don't Create Psychos
05. Sutura - Alles aus Liebe
06. Viper XXL - Work This Pussy
07. Svetec - Boom
08. Mental Crush - Devils Insects
09. Instigator - The Devastator
10. Greg Notill - Bring The Beat
11. sepromatiq - Again 7
12. Frank Kvitta - Phantasia
13. Scott Kemix - Before I Wake
14. Dariush Gee - Hardtechno Blood
15. Instigator Vs Albert Kraner - Spirit Of The Music
16. Sepromatiq - Different Time
17. Alex TB - Without Connection
18. Viper XXL Vs. Fl-X - Concilium
19. Sutura - Du Bist Nicht Allein
20. Instigator - Candy Flip Rock
21. Sepromatiq - Question
22. Dariush Gee - Train To Nowhere
23. Greg Notill - Purgatory
24. Svetec - Born Of The Antichrist