Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Icey @ A Year in Hard Dance 2012 Year Mix

Hardstyle   Hardtrance   Hardcore

Submitted by: icey2 @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 04:45:00

More info
Hey guys,

It's been a really great year for Hard Dance music. Here's my mix with my favourite & best tracks of 2012. Please share and enjoy. A special thanks to Phil 'Desudo, James-Nutty T, Stewart-Vazard, Ryan-Delete & Adam-Skullfuck3r! Thank you for a great year!

icey  :)

Rated by: RayDestino Delete djdesudo hollywood64 Evoxand1 DJW Eyoung


01) Danny V - Sick Game
02) Chris Dynasty - Terminal Breakdown
03) BRK3 - S3QU3NC3
04) Gentalica - Trip 'n Ride
05) Klonez vs Busho - Wreak Havoc(Thilo & Evanti remix)
06) DJ Husband - When we're Apart(Thilo & Evanti remix)
07) David Rust - Reversion(DJ Husband remix)
08) Eyoung - Different Pieces
09) Eyoung - Famous Explorer
10) Tiffa - Fright
11) Louk - Signal Loss
12) Drivium - Out of the Blue
13) Busho - Play the Game(Mark EG & Chrissi remix)
14) Dean Zone vs Sixth Sense - Gaia(Jim Justice remix)
15) Dermot Bateman - Flashback
16) Bangerz & Masherz - Digital Wasteland
17) Dermot Bateman - Turning Point(DJ W remix)
18) Mad Raver - Antigravity(Louk remix)
19) Bad Habit - City Lights(Hardforze remix)
20) DJ W - Scared to close my Eyes
21) Wragg - Awoken
22) Digital Fauna - Machine
23) D-Grove - It's Time
24) Flux - Bad Luck
25) D-Grove - Back in the Day
26) Pred - Smash(DJ W remix)
27) Jake Nicholls - Zeitgeist(Nutty T acid remix)
28) Thera meets Mark EG & Chrissi - Slaves
29) Geck-e - Soul Train
30) Geck-e - Acid Impressions(Thera remix)
31) Thera meets Mark EG & Chrissi - Angels
32) Uberdruck - Here's Freddy(Mike Steventon remix)
33) Thera - Serotonin(Nutty T remix) [FREE TRACK]
34) Thera vs Geck-o - Troll Face
35) Noisyboy - Beast(Coca remix)
36) Enigmato - Impact(Noisyboy remix)
37) The Machine - Awesome Frequency
38) Geck-o - How low can you Go
39) Nutty T - New Reign
40) Genox - Dark Water(Nutty T remix)
41) Nutty T - Nacho
42) Hardstyle Mafia - Raw Resistance
43) Digital Abuse - Depth Charge System
44) Hardstyle Mafia - Can't get you Back
45) Hardstyle Mafia - 6 Stages of Anger
46) Gerado Roschini - Rollerock(Hardstyle Mafia remix)
47) Vazard - Musicbox
48) Vazard - Meltdown
49) Vazard - Who I really Am
50) Vazard - Heavolution 001
51) Prime Suspects - Maximum Pain(Vazard remix)
52) Main Concern - Divination(Vazard remix)
53) Dark Pact - Black Death(Vazard remix)
54) X-Pander ft. Raw Manners - From the Underground(Vazard remix) [Gearbox Anthem]
55) Enigmato - Insane MTFK
56) Delete - Advanced Technology
57) Enigmato - Brain Domination
58) Vazard - G.I.R(Delete remix)
59) Killaheadz - Fix ur Speakerz(Delete remix)
60) Deetox - Still Here(Delete remix)
61) Delete - Syndrome
62) Thera - Stash(Diamanic & heny STFU edit)
63) D-Verze - Fear Me
64) Wavolizer - Debt of Blood
65) Wavolizer - Excitment Initiated
66) Tymon & Waldhaus - Purgatory
67) Skullfuck3r - The Killing Floor
68) Wavolizer - Quietly
69) Lee Mac - NanoTech(Anticollektive remix)
70) Skullfuck3r - Death Lab
71) Technikore meets Skullfuck3r - We Decide
72) Skullfuck3r ft. Feralist - Eat, Fuck, Kill

RayDestino -
Must have. Brilliant tracklist  :worship:
icey2 -
On 27-12-2012 18:39:07, RayDestino wrote:

Must have. Brilliant tracklist  :worship:

does the link work mate???  :)
RayDestino -
That's why I wrote "must have" not "already have"  ;) Anyway, really looking forward to it.
icey2 -
Thanks mate, will get a link up asap  :)
icey2 -
Guys gettin a new mediafire link for the mix, hope you enjoy  :)
icey2 -
Link added guys  :)
Eyoung -
Tnx for your support mate!!