Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Qarnal @ Harder life


Submitted by: Qarnal @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 00:32:55

More info
Thanks for people who download it  :)
By the way i dedicate it to Nois3 for your B-Day  :)
happy birthday

Rated by: Qarnal DJArvee SuciF3R Don_dieter Duruz Legolas Nois3controll3r hostage SoundTrader Bosleeuw Sickne2s Tanic


DJ DURO - My style is dutch
Headhunterz - The saifam mashup
Tatanka pres. J Hiroshy - Showtime (tatanka remix)
abyss and judge - rapture
Technoboy - Rage (a Hardstyle song)
Noisecontrollers - Revolution is here

Canyonree -
abyss and judge - rapture.mp3


He's mixing with .mp3, not .jpg like all the others. :respect:
DJArvee -
Jullie Ma
Qarnal -
ahah problem with the history file =)
SuciF3R -
DJ DURO - My style is dutch  :X  :X
Headhunterz - The saifam mashup  :no:
Tatanka pres. J Hiroshy - Showtime (tatanka remix)  :yawn:
abyss and judge - rapture  :-/
Technoboy - Rage (a Hardstyle song)  :X  :X
Noisecontrollers - Revolution is here  :-/
Tanic -
DJ DURO - My style is dutch  :thumbsup2:
Headhunterz - The saifam mashup  :thumbsup2:
Tatanka pres. J Hiroshy - Showtime (tatanka remix)  :thumbsup2:
abyss and judge - rapture  :yawn:
Technoboy - Rage (a Hardstyle song)  :worship:
Noisecontrollers - Revolution is here  :bomb:
Tanic -
He's mixing with .mp3, not .jpg like all the others. :respect:

 :D  :D  :D
Duruz -
Headhunterz - The saifam mashup  :no:
Tanic -
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
Headhunterz - The saifam mashup  :X