Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
Somebody requested a new download link

Adventum vs. Sasha F @ Gearbox Fear.Fm Harder Stream Week 53

Hardstyle   Early Hardstyle

Submitted by: mazzanotti @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 01:01:38

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Rated by: mazzanotti B.A.S.H RayDestino Adventum 5lim.. BartyFire icey2 P4RTYLOV3R Regain Kona_Black Chaotic_Spirit heny djdesudo Zirkum Pithune Ivanow Delete X-Pander M0rtenK real7a Antimildstyler Asylum son92 EviLiv Stoo K-Star Speedboats Lokovic Foxy2000 View all ratings


01.Donkey rollers - Push'm up
02.Donkey rollers - Ruff
03.The Beholder & Digital Punk - Machine Master
04.Nutty T vs Adventum - Trashin my scene
05.Crypsis - The Main MF
06.Audiogenetic - Obscurity
07.Adventum - A Dark Matter
08.Crypsis & Chain Reaction - No God
09.Prime Suspect - Maximum Pain (Vazard Remix)
10.Artic Vs The Anarchist - Project Destiny
11.Crypsis - Trapped
12.Alphaverb - Epic Bass
13.Digital punk & Adaro - Everyday
14.Riiho - TBA
15.Duro - Cocaine Motherfuckers (Alpha2 Remix)
16.Titan - the hour of the night
17.Hard Driver - enlightening sounds
18.Sasha F - Dark world
19.The Geminizers - Amongst Monsters
20.The Machine & Chris one - A Different kind of therapy
21.Sasha F - Hardstyle Matter (Delete remix)

icey2 -
Caught a bit of the last track and it was fuckin hard as fuck, Ryan is a legend  :)
djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
07.Adventum - A Dark Matter  :worship:
Vioda -
21.Sasha F - Hardstyle Matter (Delete remix)  :L  :worship:
Ryan did it again !
Zirkum -
20.The Machine & Chris one - A Different kind of therapy <3
Speedboats -
18.Sasha F - Dark world
19.The Geminizers - Amongst Monsters
20.The Machine & Chris one - A Different kind of therapy
21.Sasha F - Hardstyle Matter (Delete remix)

 :bomb:  :bomb: